Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Color Brings Life

I recently ventured into the discount deal a day world of Living Social. A risk some would say wouldn't be worth it.

Yesterday, I walked into a space that my Living Social client worked diligently and methodically on for over 2 months after our first design consult to be pleasantly 'blown away'. She had saved her dollars for 5 yrs after grad school and purchasing her first 830 sq. ft condo, until the time was right to decide on decorating her space. I feel so blessed to receive a 100% thumbs up and 'I'd hire her again' from my Living Social clients.

Herstory: She first had a friend help, no luck and worried about the tension it could potentially cause. Then one day, she saw the Living Social ad pop up on her laptop....she leaned in and said 'This must be a sign'. Since Moor Alive Interiors was the first decorator/ designer in the Central FL area to be featured, it was something new, something more than what she expected.

So a few weeks later, I showed up and listened, looked and took in all the hopes and dreams she had for the space. I sketched a plan right away on paper. Another quirky thing I do is find her birth date in my Colorstrology book and read it to her. Her colors were a teal blue and accent of red......two colors she has always had an affinity for, but never really paid much attention to it or think of it for her color scheme at home.

I encouraged her to 'go for it'. In reality, I gave her permission to be her!

Two months passed by, many 'panic' emails later, a few more 'be brave' responses brought me squarely at her door yesterday morning. She confessed that she rushed around all weekend and morning pulling together the final touches- which is always a good challenge. As I walked towards her condo, she opened the door about 3 inches and said 'Are you ready?' with the zealous nature of a teenager about to meet Justin Bieber.

She was excited for this moment....and so was I.

I walked in and immediately smiled. The happiness was explosive in the room and it overtook our body language as we both erupted in excitement. It was a scene from those shows on HGTV. It was so much fun to see and hear the stories of making it all possible.

Before and afters are amazing to see, but the before and afters of my clients 'lives well lived' in their spaces is a process that is seen as invitations over for a book club, drinks, movie night. These are a sure indication that they are living in a 'moor alive' space.

My job is finished and onto creating more life elsewhere, but I leave excited for her, proud of all her hard work and impressed she knew to ask for help and follow her intuition about what she read about on my website. The ultimate compliment came when she told me how she chose me. Evidently, after reading my home page statement she leaned back in her chair and said 'I like her already' and that was the spark that lit this fire to finally create a space that she deserved.

If you want to live more alive, give me a ring at 407-894-6767. Just do it or at least google search me and see a woman you might want to know. I'm ready if you are are willing- ask my clients if it's worth it!

On a side note, come hear me speak at the 2012 Orlando Women's Conference on April 27 focused on leadership, entrepreneurship & philanthropy for women. Find out the back story of how Moor Alive Interiors was created and my experience a few years back on the Oprah Show. Lots of secrets to share.

Carolyn Moor
Moor Alive Interiors

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